Galmudug Kultur
is a NON- Governmental, NON- Political And NON- Religious organization, which was established in Sweden, by a group of young people who have a strong passion for immigrants and youths.

It was founded in 2016. The organization works primarily to foster closer cooperation and better understanding among young people. It offers a place for encounter and cooperation of NGOs, communities and organizations working on integration between all citizens regardless of ethnic background, religion, physical or mental disability, sex, age or sexual orientation.

Our main aim is to empower the youth and to help in addressing the growing needs of young immigrant, youth training and Information Centre for newcomers. The association’s work is anchored in these key concepts: Integration, democracy & culture, development, education and information. We search the creation of arenas as well as engagement in a constant developing dialogue and reasoning. Galmudug Cultural concentrates in its work on: Information and advocacy, Education on Cultural diversity, Human rights and Social responsibility. Our work will be based on long-term partnership with NGOs, local and national governments that share the same aspirations and views in our projects. We work together through mobilization of information, education, and cultural and social activities.